Assesing English Lenguage Learners
Administering Assessment
Chapter VIII
Create a positive attitude toward testing: use test to motivate students
telling them that their results help them to learn.
Be transparent: Explain what is the test and the results for.
Follow proctoring instructions or instructions in the test manual to the
letter: for results to be interpreted meaningfully, a test must be administered
under standard conditions.
Prepare policies and procedures well in advance: make sure that everyone
involved is aware of policies and procedures.
Explain to the students the distinction between teaching and testing:
group and pair work activities are important in teaching, in testing the mail
goal is to assess individually.
Refrain from helping students who are having difficulty: It’s mainly
because it’s not fair for students who have prepared sufficiently.
Note unexpected events that might interfere with assessment: take into
consideration special issues that can affect when interpreting information for
the test.
Adopt special needs assessment policy: It’s a must.
Inform students of consequences of academic dishonesty: explain the
consequences of cheating and the institution policy about it.
Minimize the opportunities of cheating
and plagiarism.
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